Episode 7: The Island War

Paulis, who is from Chapin, tells that story in “The Island War,” the seventh installment of “South Carolinians in World War II,” a collective remembrance of the war chronicled from personal stories of South Carolina veterans. The segment details the bloody battles for the Philippines, Peleliu, Bougainville and Iwo Jima, and recounts that iconic moment from the Pacific war: The raising of the U.S. flag on top of Iwo Jima’s Mount Suribachi by five U.S. Marines. Produced by SCETV and The State Newspaper.

 The Island War, Part 1 1
The Island War, Part 1
Episode 1


Veterans recall the brutality of war with the Japanese, their allegiance to their emperor, the tropical heat, the jungle, the danger of the rocky reefs, and the threat of malaria, for which they took...
 The Island War, Part 2 2
The Island War, Part 2
Episode 2


Women discuss serving in the WAVES, the SPARS, the WACS, the WAFS, and the WASPS. All the services needed women during this period. Our women veterans remember many of the details of their service...
 The Island War, Part 3 3
The Island War, Part 3
Episode 3


Veterans recall Leyte Island in the Philippines and describe their experiences there in detail. They also provide reflections on the starving Philippine children, as well as adults, and they recall...
 The Island War, Part 4 4
The Island War, Part 4
Episode 4


As U.S. troops captured island after island, Japan felt the war slipping away. At Leyte Gulf, Japan lost its navy. In the Philippines, it lost its footing. MacArthur captured the world stage and the...
 The Island War, Part 5 5
The Island War, Part 5
Episode 5


With Japan's navy in ruins, America unleashed its air forces. Our veterans describe their experiences, their training, and the aircraft they flew.
 The Island War, Part 6 6
The Island War, Part 6
Episode 6


One of our veterans recalls the bombing of Iwo Jima, and going below to his quarters to get a little sleep. He opened his Bible and it fell open to the 91st Psalm, which he reads. Our veterans discuss...