11. Fruits & Seed

Many flowering plants enclose their seeds in brightly colored fleshy fruits. The functions of a fruit it to be eaten, so that the enclosed seeds can be dispersed. Just as showy flowers attract animals for pollination, fruits attract animals for seed dispersal.

Fruit-Consuming Birds | The Cove Forest
Fruit-Consuming Birds | The Cove Forest
Episode 1


Animals that feed on fruit are frugivores. The most common frugivores are birds. Birds readily remove large numbers of ripe fruits from plants, and intact seeds generally pass through a bird's...
Leafy Stem with Abundant Acorns | The Cove Forest
Leafy Stem with Abundant Acorns | The Cove Forest
Episode 3


The fruits produced by oaks (acorns) are an extremely important food source for mammals, such as squirrels, deer and black bear. Because acorns are rich in carbohydrates and proteins, populations of...
Squirrel with Acorns | The Cove Forest
Squirrel with Acorns | The Cove Forest
Episode 4


In late summer and fall, squirrels collect and bury large numbers of newly ripened acorns. Many of these acorns are later recovered and eaten. Others, however, go undiscovered and can germinate and...