Real People

View profiles of real life theater professionals. 

View profiles of real life theater professionals. Four of the interviews are from members of the Disney’s Beauty and the Beast U.S. National Tour (2002) and three are from the Peace Center for Performing Arts in Greenville, S.C.

 Actor | Kids Work!
Actor | Kids Work!


What is an Actor? The actor portrays a character emotionally and physically by using his or her voice, facial expressions and body movements. Under the advisement of the director, the actor reads the...
 Box Office Manager | Kids Work!
Box Office Manager | Kids Work!


What is a Box Office Manager? The box office manager supervises the office that books and sells the tickets to the theater. In addition to supervising ticket booth operators, the manager is...
 Lighting Designer  | Kids Work!
Lighting Designer | Kids Work!


What is a Lighting Designer? The lighting designer arranges the stage lighting that illuminates the actors and creates the mood for a scene. An understanding of how light travels, reflects and absorbs...
 Makeup Artist | Kids Work!
Makeup Artist | Kids Work!


What is a Makeup Artist? The Makeup Artist applies makeup, hair and wigs to the performers that appear on stage. Understanding how to mix colors and different types of makeup are essential to altering...
 Makeup Artist: Prosthetics | Kids Work!
Makeup Artist: Prosthetics | Kids Work!


The makeup and prosthetics supervisor, Kathy Waszkelewicz, from the Disney's Beauty and the Beast U.S. National Tour shares some of the prosthetics used in the show.
 Playwright | Kids Work!
Playwright | Kids Work!


What is a Playwright? The playwright writes the play that the actors perform on the stage. Strong language skills are essential to communicate ideas and thoughts into a dramatic script that tells a...
 Theater Company Manager | Kids Work!
Theater Company Manager | Kids Work!


What is a Theater Company Manager? The company manager handles the daily business of the production company that includes all of the actors, musicians and production staff. Arranging travel and...
 Theater President | Kids Work!
Theater President | Kids Work!


What is a Theater President? The theater president is responsible for managing the theater staff and operations. The ability to evaluate and appreciate the performing arts is important to make...
 Wardrobe Supervisor | Kids Work!
Wardrobe Supervisor | Kids Work!


What is a Wardrobe Supervisor? The wardrobe supervisor selects and fits costumes for cast members according to the types of characters to be portrayed. Depending on the size of the show, the wardrobe...