The Women's Rights Movement | Periscope
Achieving the right to vote was one of many goals of the Women's Rights Movement.Women in the United States have not always had the right to vote, own property, receive an education, or choose a career. An important part of women's history was the struggle to attain these rights, known as the Women's Rights Movement.
Achieving the right to vote was one of many goals of the Women's Rights Movement.Photo
In 1840, two American women, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, met at an antislavery meeting in London. Because they were women, neither was allowed to fully participate in the meeting. They...Photo
In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton invited Lucretia Mott and a small group of women's rights supporters to her home in Seneca Falls, New York. There, they wrote one of the most important documents of the...Photo
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and a small group of women's rights supporters met at Elizabeth's house in 1848 to plan the first women's rights convention. In addition to writing the...Photo
Elizabeth Cady Stanton introduced Susan B. Anthony to the Women's Rights Movement in 1851. Susan and Elizabeth gathered thousands of signatures on petitions for suffrage. Together, they published a...Photo
By the 1890s, four states had given women the right to vote and many states would follow. The women's rights movement was beginning to have an impact. The 20th century saw more progress towards women...Photo
Although women had achieved the right to vote, inequality still existed in education and employment opportunities. During World War II, women, out of necessity, began working at jobs that were...Photo
Unfortunately, women were expected to leave these positions when men returned from World War II. The women who continued to enter the workforce during and after the war, found they were not paid as...Photo
In 1961, Eleanor Roosevelt was asked by President John F. Kennedy to lead a group in the study of inequality towards women. Her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was president of the United States...Photo
The search for women's rights does not end with the 20th century. Currently, the League of Women Voters creates and reviews political platforms with women's issues in mind. The National Organization...