Photo of the Santee River

Santee Tribe | Periscope
Santee Tribe | Periscope
Episode 1


The Santee Tribe are one of the most unique in South Carolina because of their limited population. It is estimated there are fewer than 400 descendants of the Santee Tribe in the state.
Santee Community | Periscope
Santee Community | Periscope
Episode 2


Like most Native Americans in South Carolina, the Santee have a history of trading with early colonists from Europe. In 1701, English explorer John Lawson described his meeting with the "King" of the...
Former Santee Indian School | Periscope
Former Santee Indian School | Periscope
Episode 3


Pictured here is the former Santee Indian School. Before its integration, many Native Americans had to attend segregated "Indian" schools. View more on "Indian" schools and integration in Varner Town...