IV: Grounds: Monuments & Markers

The monuments and markers that adorn the State House grounds complement the dignity of the surrounding architecture and provide a vital glimpse into the history of the Palmetto State. They include the African-American History Monument, Confederate Soldier monument, the Spanish-American War memorial, the Benjamin Ryan Tillman monument, a statue of George Washington, the Robert E. Lee Memorial Highway marker, the Dr. J. Marion Sims monument, the old State House monument, the bronze stars, the Palmetto Regiment monument, the Lunsford grave site, the General Richard Richardson monument, the monument to Confederate Women, a replica of the Liberty Bell, a statue of Wade Hampton, the Revolutionary Generals monument, the James F. Byrnes Monument, the Jefferson Davis Highway boulder, a cannon from the battleship Maine, and the city of Columbia Time Capsule.

Bronze Stars | The SC State House
Bronze Stars | The SC State House


The bronze stars on the outer walls of the State House mark the spots where cannonballs struck the granite walls. The shots were fired by northern artillerymen on February 17, 1865, during General...
Confederate Soldier Monument | The SC State House
Confederate Soldier Monument | The SC State House


The North side inscription reads: “This monument perpetuates the memory of those who, true to the instincts of their birth, faithful to the teachings of their fathers, constant in their love for the...
Dr. J. Marion Sims Monument | The SC State House
Dr. J. Marion Sims Monument | The SC State House


This monument honors the founder of the science of gynecology, Dr. J. Marion Sims, a native of Lancaster, South Carolina. After graduating from South Carolina Medical College, Sims began practicing...
Jefferson Davis Highway | The SC State House
Jefferson Davis Highway | The SC State House


This marker commemorates the Jefferson Davis Highway, which was named after the president of the Confederate States of America. It was erected in 1923 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.