Church hit by Hugo | Jane Wineglass | Digital Traditions
Description of the damage done to her church by Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and the clean-up afterwardsA McClellanville, SC (Charleston County) resident, Ms. Wineglass has long been known for her folk medicine remedies, as well as the ability to interpret dreams. Interview conducted by Gail Matthews.
Description of the damage done to her church by Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and the clean-up afterwardsAudio
A ghost that visits her and theories on why he comes aroundAudio
What it means if one dreams about an egg or about waterAudio
Thoughts on the appearance of ghosts and how this relates to what is said in the BibleDocument
Audio transcript for Jane Wineglass A McClellanville, SC (Charleston County) resident, Ms. Wineglass has long been known for her folk medicine remedies, as well as the ability to interpret dreams...Photo
A McClellanville, SC (Charleston County) resident, Ms. Wineglass has long been known for her folk medicine remedies, as well as the ability to interpret dreams. Interview conducted by Gail Matthews.Audio
Why people used home remedies, including a leaf called mullein