Two mules pull a plow while women cultivate these Georgetown County fields using rakes and hoes. Photograph album of William Doyle Morgan, around 1890.

Photo courtesy South Caroliniana Library.

Tractor and Grader | History of SC Slide Collection
Tractor and Grader | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 4


Spartanburg County, August 1936. J.T. Hudson's land at Woodruff, South Carolina. "Tractor and grader used to construct terraces. In addition to this machine, Mr. Hudson is operating five teams with...
Okra | History of SC Slide Collection
Okra | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 5


Okra was a crop first brought to South Carolina from Africa. It is now a staple of southern cooking, widely used to thicken stews and gumbos. Here it is harvested around 1970 at the Clemson experiment...
The Arnold Gully | History of SC Slide Collection
The Arnold Gully | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 7


The Arnold gully, four miles west of Woodruff on Buncombe Road, South Tiger Erosion Project. The gully in the photo was measured at 20 feet deep (before treatment with kudzu, it had been 35 feet deep)...
Strip Cropping | History of SC Slide Collection
Strip Cropping | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 8


Although kudzu was an effective method for healing serious erosion problems, the Department of Agriculture and county agricultural agents sought to prevent that erosion in the first place. One method...