Ancient Rome

This edition of History In A Nutshell travels back to antiquity; to some of the earliest days of Western Civilization: Ancient Rome! These three segments briefly cover the rise and fall of Rome, including: founding, transition from monarchy to republic, The Punic Wars, the fall of the republic, the reign of the emperors, Christianity, and Rome's collapse.

Note: Some topics regarding Ancient Rome may not be suitable for younger audiences. Please conduct further research at your own discretion.

 Ancient Rome, Part I | History In A Nutshell 1
Ancient Rome, Part I | History In A Nutshell
Episode 1


The introduction to Ancient Rome covers Rome's earliest days! Rome began as a monarchy, with its first king being Romulus, in 753 B.C. Rome would be ruled by seven kings, and with the deposition of...
 Ancient Rome, Part II | History In A Nutshell 2
Ancient Rome, Part II | History In A Nutshell
Episode 2


Rome faced numerous conflicts during the days of the Republic, including defending the Italian peninsula against the Gauls, and fighting three 'Punic Wars' against its rival neighbor, Carthage. Rome...
 Ancient Rome, Part III | History In A Nutshell 3
Ancient Rome, Part III | History In A Nutshell
Episode 3


Rome had transitioned from a republic, to imperial rule. The previous civil wars left Rome in ruins, but Augustus Caesar repaired Rome, and ushered in a two hundred year period of stability known as...
Ancient Rome Photo Gallery | History In A Nutshell
Ancient Rome Photo Gallery | History In A Nutshell
Episode 4


Included in this photo gallery are the following: Interior of The Pantheon- Rome's best preserved monument The River Tiber Sculpture of Romulus and Remus- Raised by a she-wolf, according to Roman...
Ancient Rome Trivia Quiz | History in a Nutshell
Ancient Rome Trivia Quiz | History in a Nutshell


History in a Nutshell is a series on designed to assist educators in classrooms, helping explain historical events in layman’s terms- short, sweet, and to the point! This quiz will test...