Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart

Two Greenwood (Greenwood County) women who like to quilt together. Interview conducted by Anne Kimzey.


 Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Episode 4


Ruby and Estelle discuss Ruby's husband's Dresden Plate quilt and how beautiful this method of trimming a quilt is.
 Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Episode 6


Ruby and Estelle discuss why they enjoy quilting, including how interesting it is to plan a quilt, to choose colors, and select a pattern, and how relaxing it is to quilt.
 Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Episode 7


Ruby and Estelle discuss how interesting it is to see that you can create something with your hands. They discuss making the wedding ring quilt from scraps, how colorful they are, and that they last a...
 Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Episode 8


Ruby and Estelle discuss quilting because they have more time now, and because it's a hobby, and quilting for profit, or to give to family. They also reflect on how quilts used to be made for warmth...
 Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Ruby Richey & Estelle Rineheart
Episode 10


Ruby and Estelle discuss an afghan Rineheart is especially proud of, and using small scraps and making something out of it.