Canning Vegetables | Digital Traditions
Rebecca Hill describes her process for canning vegetables.Resident of Promised Land, SC (Greenwood County). Learned how to quilt and make lye soap from her mother. Her father could make just about any type of split-oak basket: fish trap, clothes hamper, chair bottoms. Grows and cans okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, watermelons, and a vareity of beans and peas.
Rebecca Hill describes her process for canning vegetables.Audio
Resident of Promised Land, SC (Greenwood County). Learned how to quilt and make lye soap from her mother. Her father could make just about any type of split-oak basket: fish trap, clothes hamper...Audio
Rebecca Hill describes the process of raising and killing hogs and how the phases of the moon are importantAudio
Rebecca Hill's story of how she taught herself to make lye soap when she was youngAudio
Resident of Promised Land, SC (Greenwood County). Learned how to quilt and make lye soap from her mother. Her father could make just about any type of split-oak basket: fish trap, clothes hamper...Document
Audio Transcript for... Canning Vegetables Corduroy Quilt Curing Meat Killing Hogs Making Lye Soap Making Souse Meat Quilting SnakesPhoto
Resident of Promised Land, SC (Greenwood County). Learned how to quilt and make lye soap from her mother. Her father could make just about any type of split-oak basket: fish trap, clothes hamper...