Originally known as the Jackson Family, the group started to sing together informally in 1937. They described their early efforts as a “do watcha can” quartet style. As the Jackson Family became more accomplished in their singing style, they received numerous invitations to perform at schools and African-American churches in the Anderson County area.

During World War II, the group took a hiatus because of two members serving in the military. After the war, the group reformed and called themselves the Jackson Brothers. They performed in the original Golden Gate quartet style that was so very popular before and after the war. Over the years, as the original members retired or passed away, new members were brought in and taught the tight and mellow harmony for which the group is known. Today, two of the original members remain in the nine-member group.

They continue to sing gospel music in many upstate churches and have recently begun performing at various music and heritage festivals throughout the state. Through their singing, the Jackson Brothers help to spread good will as they maintain their tradition of vocal harmony. The Jackson Brothers received the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award in 1999.

 Down by the Riverside | Digital Traditions
Down by the Riverside | Digital Traditions


Produced by the Jackson Brothers and digitally mastered by Eric Rogers for Blackbyrd Records. The Jackson Brothers are Leroy Gilliard, Elliot Goodlett, Walter Thompson, Sr., Roosevelt Baker, Oscar...
Jackson Brothers Audio Transcript
Jackson Brothers Audio Transcript


Audio transcripts for: Down By The Riverside Have A Little Talk With Jesus Oh, How I Love Jesus Say A Word For Me When The Spirit Came
 Oh, How I Love Jesus | Digital Traditions
Oh, How I Love Jesus | Digital Traditions


Produced by the Jackson Brothers and digitally mastered by Eric Rogers for Blackbyrd Records. The Jackson Brothers are Leroy Gilliard, Elliot Goodlett, Walter Thompson, Sr., Roosevelt Baker, Oscar...
 Say a Word for Me | Digital Traditions
Say a Word for Me | Digital Traditions


Produced by the Jackson Brothers and digitally mastered by Eric Rogers for Blackbyrd Records. The Jackson Brothers are Leroy Gilliard, Elliot Goodlett, Walter Thompson, Sr., Roosevelt Baker, Oscar...
 When the Spirit Came | Digital Traditions
When the Spirit Came | Digital Traditions


Produced by the Jackson Brothers and digitally mastered by Eric Rogers for Blackbyrd Records. The Jackson Brothers are Leroy Gilliard, Elliot Goodlett, Walter Thompson, Sr., Roosevelt Baker, Oscar...