Ghosts and Legends of South Carolina I

General - South Carolina History

Ghosts and Legends tracks the legends and lore from South Carolina’s past in this haunting journey from the Old Exchange Dungeon in Charleston to the Abbeville Opera House in the Upstate. Search for the Lands End Ghost that walks the Carolina coast and maybe the most famous of all, the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp.

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 Abbeville | Ghosts & Legends I
Abbeville | Ghosts & Legends I


Old Jail, Abbeville, S.C. The Old Jail is Abbeville's oldest public building. The sheriff lived on the first floor, and prisoners were kept on the second and third floors, the worst of whom were kept...
 Becky Cotton | Ghosts & Legends I
Becky Cotton | Ghosts & Legends I


Becky Cotton was born around 1765 and married John Cotton around 1785. Becky's father was killed when three men burst into the house, but her husband did nothing to stop it. The legend has it that she...
 Old Exchange  | Ghosts & Legends I
Old Exchange | Ghosts & Legends I


Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon, Charleston, S.C. Isaac Hayne was imprisoned there in 1781. He was a very popular businessman, well-off, whom they led through the streets of Charleston, by...