Some of the major events in the Mid-state during the civil rights movement included the Briggs v. Elliot court case and the Orangeburg Massacre.

 Briggs v. Elliott | Road Trip
Briggs v. Elliott | Road Trip


The Briggs v. Elliott case began as a simple request to provide bus transportation. In addition to having separate and very inferior facilities, black children had to walk to school, sometimes many...
 Clarendon County | Road Trip
Clarendon County | Road Trip


Rev. J. A. DeLaine and several others helped build the national case Brown v. Board of Education. DeLaine's family and other Clarendon county residents recall the bravery shown by signers of the...
 Eliza Briggs | Road Trip
Eliza Briggs | Road Trip


Eliza and Harry Briggs, Sr. are listed as the first petitioners on the lawsuits from the 1940s and 1950s. Harry, a gas station attendant in Summerton, and his wife, Eliza, lost their jobs and were...