Next Step auf Deutsch AGAIN 501: Meeting Again 501
Language: German, Topics: Meeting Again. The next step in learning greetings in conversational German.The AGAIN lessons are designed as follow-up lessons to those in the Next Step German series.
Language: German, Topics: Meeting Again. The next step in learning greetings in conversational German.Video
Language: German, Topics: Visiting My House. The next step to learning conversational German when speaking about a home.Video
Language: German, Topics: Buying Groceries. The next step to using German when buying groceries and talking about food.Video
Language: German, Topics: Growing Up Healthy. A next step to learning German and how to speak about healthy activity.Video
Language: German, Topics: Choosing a Present. The German words related to gift giving.Video
Language: German, Topics: Playing with Animals. A variety of vocabulary words in German to do with pets and other animals.Video
Language: German, Topics: Learning at My School. Words in the classroom and related to learning in German.Video
Language: German, Topics: Finding Places in My Town. Learn how to navigate from place to place in German.Video
Language: German, Topics: Looking at Zoo Animals. More advanced German vocabulary words at the zoo.Video
Language: German, Topics: Celebrating with Friends. The German words that might come up at a party or other celebration.