Next Step auf Deutsch 201: Meeting Again 201
The next step in learning greetings in conversational German.There are ten lessons in each series. Begin with First Step 101-110, then progress to Next Step 201-210, and then on to Another Step 301-310.
The next step in learning greetings in conversational German.Video
The next step to learning conversational German when speaking about a home.Video
The next step to using German when buying groceries and talking about food.Video
A next step to learning German and how to speak about healthy activity.Video
The German words related to gift giving.Video
A variety of vocabulary words in German to do with pets and other animals.Video
Words in the classroom and related to learning in German.Video
Learn how to navigate from place to place in German.Video
More advanced German vocabulary words at the zoo.Video
The German words that might come up at a party or other celebration.