The WPA undertook large, as well as small, construction projects, and the character of some of their projects began to change in 1939 and 1940, as the nation turned its attention to the war that had begun in Europe. These WPA workers are completing improvements to the Charleston Navy Yard in 1940.
Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
- 5.2.P Summarize how the role of the federal government expanded during the period.
- This indicator was developed to promote inquiry into how wartime government activities, the Progressive Movement, and the New Deal represented an expansion of federal power, including attempts to protect citizens.
- This indicator was designed to promote inquiry into the devastation of the Great Depression and the impact of the New Deal on a largely agricultural South Carolina. This indicator was also designed to foster inquiry into the economic diversification between World War II and the present, to include tourism, global trade and industry, and the maintenance of military bases.