Writing Improvement Network (WIN)

The Writing Improvement Network is a professional development resource for South Carolina Pre K-12 teachers. Our teacher experts provide training in research-based best practices for teaching students to become better readers and writers. We also provide guidance in choosing professional development and classroom resources.
Title: Type
The Roaring Arts
The Roaring Arts


Students will research and analyze changes across the nation and in South Carolina during the 1920’s. They will then in small groups prepare exhibits for a “Roaring Arts Museum”. The museum will...

What Can I Say To Convince You?
What Can I Say To Convince You?


In this lesson students will explore FDR’s New Deal program. They will then put themselves in the position of being strategists for a presidential campaign today. In doing so they will need to...

Commemorating the "War to End All Wars"
Commemorating the "War to End All Wars"


In this unit students will review the events leading up to the United States’ involvement in World War I, analyze President Wilson’s speech to Congress asking them to vote favorably for war, explore...