South Carolina Historic Aviation Foundation

The South Carolina Historic Aviation Foundation (SCHAF) has been formed to preserve this state’s valuable contributions to aviation - from its very beginnings.

So far, the compelling roles South Carolinians have played in aviation remain virtually untold, although involvement in both military and civilian flying began with the barnstorming years following WWI; continued on to the very early speed, distance and endurance competitions, airplane racing, as well as other facets of the aerospace industry.

SCHAF already is collecting important pieces of that on-going story, beginning with its purchase of a very rare B-25C Mitchell medium bomber, one of only a few known C models still in existence.

Title: Type
B-25C Cockpit | Curiosity Trek!
B-25C Cockpit | Curiosity Trek!


The B-25 GF-2's cockpit- showing the pilot and copilot positions as well as the instruments. Located just aft of the cockpit is the navigator's compartment.