National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of South Carolina

Education is at the core of all South Carolina Society’s programs and activities. Native and naturalized citizens alike have a stake in perpetuating the founding principles of our nation. By learning more about the brave men and women from all backgrounds and stations of life who built this country, we become more unified and responsive to our civic responsibility.  The Society also participates in historical projects, which include research, preservation, publications, and monuments. For more information visit the Powder Magazine website: Lessons may be found here.

Title: Type
The Exploration of South Carolina
The Exploration of South Carolina


Our nation is made up of many different kinds of people who come from all over the world for many different reasons. Some may come for jobs, family, political reasons, or a fresh start somewhere new...

Circle of Inheritance: Native Land, Native People
Circle of Inheritance: Native Land, Native People


Through this lesson students will be able to recall information on the settlement of South Carolina and the United States by Native Americans and Europeans through a series of summative assessments...