October Highlights
This month, we have new content, lessons, activities and handouts to share! Be sure to check out the descriptive information on new content listed below.
We also have an easy way to be sure you haven’t missed anything! View all new items here.
Our KnowItAll Highlights for October include content for Archaeology Month, Bat Appreciation Month, Health Literacy Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, International Walk to School Month, National Book Month, National Bullying Prevention Month, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, National Economic Education Month and TeenTober.
Our week-long observances include Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 3-9), World Space Week (Oct. 4-10), America’s Safe Schools Week (Oct. 17-23), National Friends of Libraries Week (Oct. 17-23), National School Bus Safety Week (Oct. 18-22) and Media Literacy Week (Oct. 25-30).
Our one-day observances include MFG Day (Oct. 1), International Day of Non-Violence (Oct. 2), National Child Health Day (Oct. 4), World Habitat Day (Oct. 4), World Teachers’ Day (Oct. 5), National Walk to School Day (Oct. 6), World Migratory Bird Day (a worldwide celebration observed the second Saturday in May in Canada and the U.S. (May 8, 2021), and the second Saturday in October in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean (October 9, 2021), International Day of the Girl Child (Oct. 11), Indigenous People’s Day (Oct. 11), Columbus Day (Oct. 12), National Farmer’s Day (Oct. 12), World Food Day (Oct. 16), National Pharmacy Technician Day (Oct. 19), National Make a Dog’s Day (Oct. 22), National Mole Day (Oct. 23), National Paralegal Day (Oct. 23), Make a Difference Day (Oct. 23), United Nations Day (Oct. 24), National First Responders Day (Oct. 28), National Cat Day (Oct. 29), and Halloween (Oct. 31).
Find them all - plus dates and resources - in the October Factoids!
Persian Gulf War | History In A Nutshell
Saddam Hussein's military forces invaded and occupied Iraq's next door neighbor Kuwait on August 2, 1990. This invasion was immediately condemned by the United Nations, and an Allied Coalition was formed with the purpose of driving Saddam out of Kuwait. This edition of History in a Nutshell explores the reasons behind Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, and the process behind the Coalition's response to Saddam's aggression.
Now available! Tankbusters
Interview with U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Joel "Rally" Rush
Lt. Col. Rush flew various aircraft throughout his Air Force career, including the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt II, also nick-named the Warthog. Rush's primary job in the Persian Gulf War was hunting Saddam Hussein's Iraqi tanks. In these interview segments, Rush discusses his first-hand experiences during the conflict.
Attention Educators: Some of the material covered in this series may feature content not suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Asynchronous Studio Lessons
Music teachers show step by step instructions on how to navigate the GarageBand app.
Students will navigate the GarageBand app and make musical choices to build an original song. Students will be instructed to take notes on genre, loop, and tone color choices. Then, students will compose an opinion writing document about their piece of music created in a neat, comprehensible format.
At the beginning of this video, Porterfield and Brooks will recap the GarageBand app and notes from the previous video, Creating the Song, Taking Notes. Porterfield and Brooks will review the glossary terms and introduce the writing portion of the lesson. Porterfield will discuss her opinions from her notes about the song and transfer it to writing. Porterfield will do an example opinion writing on the anchor chart. Finally, students will be instructed to review their opinion writing about the song.
Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the Roaring Twenties in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students through performance and interactive activities, such as learning The Charleston dance.
Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the World War Two Era in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students through performance and interactive activities, such as learning how to swing dance.
Let’s Go!
Lamar High School in Darlington County, South Carolina, was the site of an attack on school buses carrying African American students to the campus on March 3, 1970. In January 1970, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals of the United States ordered Darlington County Public Schools to immediately integrate by February 18, 1970. While there was compliance in much of the county, many white parents in Lamar strongly objected to integration. Local businessman Jeryl Best led a group, Citizens for Freedom of Choice, in a boycott of the segregated white schools in the Lamar area from February 18 to March 3. African American parents boycotted the segregated schools for two weeks, concerned there would not be federal protection for their children. A.W. Stanley, the president of the Darlington NAACP Branch, voiced the rising danger of violence to the County Superintendent of Education and urged him to request federal assistance. Learn more.
Established in Trenton (Edgefield County) in 1881 by the Reverend Alexander Bettis, this school provided former enslaved African Americans and their children with a basic education of reading and writing as well as skills and trades. A former slave who could neither write nor read, Bettis organized the Mt. Canaan Missionary and Educational Union to raise the $300 used in purchasing the land for the boarding school. While there was an emphasis on teacher education, the school’s primary focus was on industrial training. Learn more.
Wondering if you might have missed something?
Learning about the observances that are scheduled each month might seem daunting, but we have them organized and in easy reach - right here on KnowItAll.org! Each observance links to content on KnowItAll - and some may surprise you!
Archaeology Month
View our Archaeology Collection!
- Archaeo-Tech
- Finding Clovis
- For God, Glory and Gold
- Fort Hill Plantation
- Mapping of Kosciuszko’s Tunnel
- Natural State
- Palmetto Scene
- Pee Dee Explorer
- Ring People
Bat Appreciation Month
October has been identified as the perfect time for observing and recognizing bats!
- View our Bat Appreciation Month Collection here!
Health Literacy Month
View our Knowitall Healthy! Collection
Knowitall Healthy! was created to provide resources that support the objectives of the Student Health and Fitness Act implemented in South Carolina schools to establish physical education, school health services, and nutritional standards in schools. Three state agencies - the SC Department of Education, the Department of Health and Environmental Control, and South Carolina ETV- collaborated to heighten public awareness of the initiative and to extend its reach to all South Carolinians.
As cold and flu seasons begin, please take a look at our Knowitall Healthy! Collection, which instills sound health practices that can be utilized throughout the year.
- Exercise with Smart Cat
- First Choice Fit®
- Flu PSAs – Illness Prevention Tips & Wash Hands Song in English and with Spanish Subtitles
- Growing Up with Smart Cat
- Healthy Hannah’s Healthy Choice Heroes
- Youth Media Health Institute
- Safety City
- Safe Students Safe Schools
- Reading, Safety & Internet Safety Minutes
- Youth Services
- Keep It Real
- EdAware: Eat Smart, Move More
Hispanic Heritage Month Continues through Oct. 15
View the wide assortment of content in this Collection and learn about our Hispanic heritage, including these titles and more!
- Nuestro Futuro (Our Future)
- Hispanic Heritage | Periscope
- Santa Elena Archaeological Dig (South Carolina) | 27:Fifty
- St. Augustine (Florida) | 27:Fifty
- Spanish Subtitles | Flu PSAs
- Circle of Inheritance
- For God, Glory and Gold
- Conquistadors and Explorers: S.C. Under the Spanish Flag | Mary Long’s Yesteryear
- Marcelo Novo
- Miriam Barbosa
- La Ropa Sucia
- Foreign Language Scholastic Series - Spanish
- Foreign Language Spanish
- Spanish Beginner | SciShorts
- Spanish Intermediate | SciShorts
- Spanish | Standard Deviants
- Pendleton: Upcountry Heritage
- Carmen Agra Deedy – Crafting a Story
- Carolina Marsh Tacky
- Hispanics: South Carolina from A to Z | South Carolina Public Radio
- Main Street Latin Festival
- Where Do You Think You’re Going, Christopher Columbus | Scholastic American History Series
International Walk to School Month
October is International Walk to School Month. Be sure to keep safety in mind when you walk or bike to school or anywhere!
- View these resources and be safe when walking or biking!
- View Pedestrian Safety | Safety City
- View Meet the Helpers for information about helpers in your community and school!
National Book Month
Visit Our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection!
Visit your school library, public library & our Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection during National Book Month, TeenTober & National Friends of Libraries Week!
- Ask an Author
- Baker’s Dozen
- Be a Media Critic
- Conversations with SC Writers
- Gullah Tales
- Idella Bodie’s Ghost Tour: A Writer’s Guide
- Inside Storytelling
- Literary Tour of South Carolina
- Mary Boykin Chesnut
- National Poetry Month: A World of Poetry | Periscope
- National Book Month | Periscope
- Pulitzer Prize Winners in SC
- Storytime with SCETV
- Tune Up to Literacy
- Writer‘s Workshop
- Writers (from SC Hall of Fame)
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Student Writers
- For Young Readers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate
- SC Authors
- Shakespeare
National Bullying Prevention Month
Traditionally held the first week in October, the event has been expanded to include activities, education, and awareness building for the entire month.
- Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully | Storytime with SCETV
- Lesson: Bullying and What It Means to be a Bystander
- Lesson: Learning to Respect through Literature
- Project Lead SC
From Middle School to High School, teenage girls face unique pressures every day. Between issues with bullying, body image, boys, friends and “frenemies,” life during that awkward transitional period can feel like it’s filled with challenges. It’s important our girls have role models, people to look up to, think about, and speak with to help navigate those land mines. Project Lead South Carolina is a video series for young women that follows notable women in South Carolina to gather advice about what makes a successful leader.
Palmetto Voices looks to female leaders in South Carolina to share the experiences, skills and decisions that have brought them success. These voices of the Palmetto State offer advice and suggestions for excellence in various career clusters and fields of study.
This series focuses on issues affecting women throughout the state and the nation, and a new generation of young people pursuing public service for their communities and the state at large. These women are terrific role models for young women!
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Journalists from the Charleston Post and Courier discuss the series, Till Death Do Us Part, published in August 2014. The series won the Pulitzer Prize in Public Service Journalism in 2015. The team researched the problem of domestic violence in South Carolina, and discovered the enormity of the problem, and the fact that the story has been in our headlines for the past 15 years, yet little has been done to “stem the carnage.” They looked at court cases and began to record patterns, and bills that had come up in the State House, and why the bills were not passed. They looked at the culture of the state, religion, and why women stay in these relationships. They looked into patterns that were applicable to each. A bill was proposed that would increase penalties and take gun ownership rights from offenders. The legislature convened in January and by June, a bill had passed and was signed by the Governor.
For Peggy Logan, a.k.a. Tabu Hazel, there is power in poetry. As a spoken word artist she is an advocate who promotes awareness of cancer, domestic violence, homelessness and sexual assault. Her number one goal is to change lives with words.
South Carolina continues to rank at the top when it comes to domestic violence and women killed by men. Research shows teenagers are also experiencing abuse, but have less protection when it comes to the law. Here's more information on the important issue of teen dating violence.
This segment explains human trafficking. More on human trafficking is available on the SCETV website.
National Economic Education Month
October has been designated National Economic Education Month. View the collection and be sure to check out these series and programs to learn more!
- View Carolina Money
- View Making Dollars from Sense
- View the ETV Stock Market Program
- View our Counting Money with Smart Cat Worksheet
- View Episode 10: Money | Growing Up with Smart Cat
- Download the Growing Up with Smart Cat Workbook
- Lesson 21: South Carolina Today | Conversations on SC History
- Lesson: Counting Collections of Coins
- Lesson: Engaging Economics
- Goods and Services Ring Toss
- SC Economy | Palmetto Special
- Cooper River | ETV Shorts
View the resources in the Libraries, Literature & Learning Collection and see what may be of interest to teens you know and love!
Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 3-9, 2021
- Fire and 911 Safety | Safety City
- Fire Academy, Part 1 from Project Discovery
- Fire Academy, Part 2 from Project Discovery
World Space Week (Oct. 4-10, 2021)
America’s Safe Schools Week (Oct. 17-23, 2021)
Presented by the SC Department of Public Safety and ETV, these short programs are designed to provide a safety message to young students and may be used for older children, especially special education students.
This lesson covers what to do if your house is on fire and what to do if the room has smoke in it. Students will also learn when it's safe to exit a room and what to tell the 911 operator.
This lesson covers the three things you must do before crossing the street. Pedestrian Crosswalk signs, were to walk when walking along a road and what to wear while walking is also covered.
This lesson covers how to approach a bus, when to board a bus and why it's important to look both ways before boarding the bus.
Produced by ETV, these short dramatizations are part of the Partnership Training for Law Enforcement and Education course and can be used with students to initiate discussion. Teachers are advised to preview these videos for scenes and content that may not be appropriate for use in their classroom.
- Child Abuse
- Conflict Resolution
- Date Rape
- Divorce
- Honor
- Prejudice
- Respecting Others
- Rumors
- Third Party
- To Tell or Not To Tell
- Full Version, Part 1
- Full Version, Part 2
- Meet the Helpers OVERVIEW
- Coronavirus Do’s and Don’ts | Meet the Helpers
- Explaining Social Distancing to Children | Meet the Helpers
- Wash Your Hands | Meet the Helpers
- What is Coronavirus? | Meet the Helpers
- 911 Operator | Meet the Helpers
- Doctor | Meet the Helpers
- Firefighter | Meet the Helpers
- Lineworker | Meet the Helpers
- Meteorologist | Meet the Helpers
- Paramedic | Meet the Helpers
- Police Officer | Meet the Helpers
- Teacher | Meet the Helpers
- 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Information Sheet | Meet the Helpers
- Build Your Own Emergency Supply Kit | Meet the Helpers
- Build Your Own First Aid Kit | Meet the Helpers
- Emergency Escape Plan | Meet the Helpers
- Fire Safety Plan | Meet the Helpers
- Fire Safety Tips for Parents | Meet the Helpers
- Practicing My Personal Information Sheet | Meet the Helpers
Reading, Safety and Internet Safety Minutes
Reading makes you cool!
Officer Marlo McCann reviews why NOT to approach a stranger.
Officer Marlo McCann explains what can happen if you send a threatening email or text.
Find one of the benefits of reading and being smart in this short video.
Officer Andre Offing explains what to do when provoked by a kidnapper.
Officer Andre Offing explains why not to believe profiles on the internet.
Addresses the dangers for teen drivers involved with texting. Other safety tips are discussed.
This interactive workshop will explore new trends in underage alcohol use. Current information on teen alcohol use will be presented, along with a review of emerging products. Participants will analyze a variety of products and examine advertisers’ role in marketing alcoholic beverages to youth to enable understanding of the scope of underage drinking both locally and nationally,
Keep It Real (for ages 14 and up)
Due to the graphic nature of this content, viewer discretion is advised.
Teens learn about the real-life consequences of trauma-related incidents and how they can be avoided.
Young people are shown exactly what happens to a patient during a visit to the ER after a trauma-related incident.
The Keep It Real team meets a teen, Wimberly, and her family, who have had first-hand experience with a trauma-related incident.
Keep It Real shows teens the after-effects and consequences of a reckless trauma-related incident.
The Keep It Real team is taken to the morgue, where they learn that many teens who are involved in trauma related accidents never make it home to their families.
Keep It Real looks at shootings and homicides in relation to teenagers, and the Keep It Real teens begin to discuss their reactions to the experience.
The Keep It Real teens discuss their final thoughts after the Keep It Real experience.
Produced and Hosted by Joshua and Brandon
Our video gives teenagers a brief look at the legal consequences of risky behavior. We show the DUI booking process at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department and speak to Michael McMullin, a lawyer who has seen how crimes affect kids’ lives. We decided that most teens haven’t really been taught about the consequences that come from their actions. Our hope is that this program will give them a brief look at what might happen to them, and therefore encourage good decision-making.
Written and Directed by Mary Katherine
I decided to make my film about the consequences of actions that some teens make. It shows what can happen when people make reckless choices about their lives. It stars my sister, Sara, as a reckless teenager. It shows the different choices she makes and how each can have a fatal result.
Recently there has been an uproar over gang activity among students on the streets mostly but also inside the hallways in the South Carolina area.
Safety Collection | Knowitall Healthy!
Crystal Ball Cruise is a program to provide safe transportation to and from prom nights in the area.
Find out about a paramedic's career and how this Helper assists in emergency situations.
South Carolina continues to rank at the top when it comes to domestic violence and women killed by men. Research shows teenagers are also experiencing abuse, but have less protection when it comes to the law.
This segment explains human trafficking. More on human trafficking is available on the SCETV website.
*If you believe you know of someone who may be a victim of human trafficking, please contact local law enforcement or the NHTRC (National Human Trafficking Resource Center) Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.
National Friends of Libraries Week - Oct. 17-23, 2021
*Some series have rights restrictions and are available exclusively to South Carolina educators. To gain access to these resources, please register for a FREE KnowItAll account.
National School Bus Safety Week - Oct. 18-22, 2021
This lesson covers how to approach a bus, when to board a bus and why it's important to look both ways before boarding the bus.
Media Literacy Week - Oct. 25-30, 2021
Be sure to explore these resources related to Media Literacy!
In Artopia: Media Arts: Be A Media Critic, take a closer look at types of media like photography, radio, film, and television.
- Critical Viewing: Cigarette Ads
- Radio: The War of the Worlds
- Radio: This American Life
- Television: I Like Ike Campaign
- View all related resources here
For more information on Media Literacy, visit these websites: Media Literacy Clearinghouse and NAMLE (National Association for Media Literacy Education).
All of the One-Day Observances Can Be Found in Each Month’s KnowItAll Factoids!
- The one-day observances are just one click away on the October Factoids page!
- You can also view the KnowItAll Factoids for the full year here!
Be sure to view these each month to find out about Collections we’ve developed on topics you may never have considered we’d make available on KnowItAll.org!
If we were able to spark your curiosity with the resources listed above, please visit these additional areas on KnowItAll.org!
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12. Now you can drill down to the specific Topics and Subtopics you’re interested in.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience. These are available all year long for your planning purposes.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Find featured content and helpful information on using KnowItAll.org throughout the month!
From the top of the home page, click on the magnifying glass, and when the search box opens, click on the magnifying glass again, and the results will come up, showing all of the assets available on KnowItAll.org. The newest content will appear at the top of the results. Just scroll down to view all of the content that is new to you! Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
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The Learning Continues on KnowItAll.org!