You may be surprised at all that you’ll find on KnowItAll.org!
There’s so much to explore, we want to help you to get right to it - but first…
There are three items we’d like to share with you – this month on KnowItAll.org!
For your convenience, this information has been published as four separate blogs.
Please find them at the links below:
I. What’s at the Top – Our top 20 sites on KnowItAll.org
II. What’s Needed – Science and Math content
III. What’s New on KnowItAll: A Recap of Content Added to KnowItAll.org in the Past Year
And now, to the Math Resources...
on KnowItAll.org
Summer is a great time for students to explore and engage with content that is new to them! This month, we are featuring our Science and Math content, in two separate blogs. We hope that students of all ages will enjoy exploring these resources throughout the summer months!
Produced by South Carolina ETV in partnership with SC Department of Education to enhance the At-Home Learning schedule.
Bear and Bull talk about creating a budget and how to save money.
Creating a Career with the Arts in Mind
The first series features a Panel Discussion with the artists, and the second series consists of bios of each artist. Both series reveal numerous details about these careers in the arts, as well as the educational requirements, and the technology and soft skills utilized in each field.
The series explores science and integrates technology, while focusing on various careers. The videos are less than 10 minutes and are filmed through the eyes of the cameraman, D.V.
- Counting with Smart Cat
- Counting Money with Smart Cat Worksheet
- Growing Up with Smart Cat Workbook
- Episode 10: Money | Growing Up with Smart Cat
The place for hands-on math and science activities and games.
A virtual community of workplaces designed to give students an interactive job exploration experience that connects school work to real work.
(Math-related content)
- Box Office Manager | Kids Work! (Interactive)
- Director | Kids Work! (Interactive)
- Pharmacist | Kids Work! (Interactive)
- Pharmacist | Kids Work! (Video)
Series provides students the information they need to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions about earning, saving and spending money.
- Career Choices | Making Dollars from Sense
- Earning Income | Making Dollars from Sense
- Savings | Making Dollars from Sense
- Spending and Credit | Making Dollars from Sense
Mapping of Kosciuszko’s Tunnel
A documentary highlighting the story of the Kosciuszko tunnel and the technology behind the 3D mapping and preservation efforts concerning the little known tunnel that is a part of the Ninety Six National Historic Site in Ninety Six, South Carolina. The Mapping of Kosciuszko’s Tunnel project is collaboration between SCETV, The University of South Florida (USF), The Alliance for Integrated Spatial Technologies (AIST) and the National Park Service.
Hosted by Betty Gasque, a nationally recognized mathematics educator, Math in the Middle of Design provides the opportunity and resources to explore mathematics applications in a real-world context. Students will learn how to link mathematics to other curriculum areas, including science, music, and more. It features selected guests who talk about how they use math in their jobs.
- Advertising and Marketing | Math in the Middle of Design
- Architectural Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Classical Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Color in Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Computer-Enhanced Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Design in Sports | Math in the Middle of Design
- Environmental Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Fashion and Textile Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Industrial and Ergonomical Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Landscape Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Photographic Design | Math in the Middle of Design
- Video and Film Design | Math in the Middle of Design
This series provides the opportunity and resources to explore mathematics applications in a real-world context, and to link mathematics to other curriculum areas, including science, music, and more. It features selected guests who talk about how they use math in their jobs.
- Air | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Entertaining Motion | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion in the Environment | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion in Fitness | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion in the Environment | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion in Industry | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion in Space | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion Made Easier | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion, Motion Everywhere | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion on the Road | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Motion on the Water | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Objects in Motion | Math in the Middle of Motion
- Sports and Dance | Math in the Middle of Motion
Find award-winning science, math and technology videos and interactives for grades K-12 produced by NASA and provided for distribution to South Carolina ETV's Knowitall.
Programs in the series establish a connection between the mathematics, science, and technology concepts taught in the classroom to those used every day by NASA researchers. The lesson guide, containing a hands-on activity and the web-based application reinforce and extend the objectives presented in the program.
- “A” Train Express | NASA CONNECT
- Algebra: Mirror, Mirror on the Universe | NASA CONNECT
- Ancient Observatories: Timeless Knowledge | NASA CONNECT
- Better Health from Space to Earth | NASA CONNECT
- Breaking Barriers”: Solving Linear Equations | NASA CONNECT
- Centennial of Flight: Problem Solving | NASA CONNECT
- Data Analysis & Measurement: Dancing in the Night Sky | NASA CONNECT
- Data Analysis & Measurement: Having a Solar Blast! | NASA CONNECT
- Eclipse: The Path of Totality: Angular Size | NASA CONNECT
- Festival of Flight Special: Opening Space for Next Generation Explorers | NASA CONNECT
- Functions & Statistics: Dressed for Space | NASA CONNECT
- Geometry & Algebra: The Future Flight Equation | NASA CONNECT
- Good Stress: Building Better Muscles & Bones | NASA CONNECT
- Hidden Treasures: Landscape Archaeology | NASA CONNECT
- Measurement, Ratios & Graphing: Safety First | NASA CONNECT
- Measurements, Ratios & Graphing: Who Added the Micro to Gravity? | NASA CONNECT
- Proportionality: The X-Plane Generation | NASA CONNECT
- PSA: The Astronaut’s Helper | NASA CONNECT
- Right Ratio of Rest: Proportional Reasoning | NASA CONNECT
- Rocket to the Stars | NASA CONNECT
- Team Extreme: Statistics of Success | NASA CONNECT
- Venus Transit | NASA CONNECT
- Virtual Earth | NASA CONNECT
- World Space Congress | NASA CONNECT
- Algebra | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Algebra and Ratios I | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Algebra and Ratios II | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Geometry and Ratios | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Graphing | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Ratios | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Ratios and Percents | NASA CONNECT Math Simulation
- Around Alone, Part 1 | Project Discovery Revisited
- Around Alone, Part 2 | Project Discovery Revisited
A race around the world . . . in a boat 40 to 60 feet in length . . . ALONE. This event, which began in 1982, occurs every four years and starts in Charleston, South Carolina. The course consists of four legs -- three land stops in South Africa, New Zealand, and Uruguay, and finally back to Charleston. The winner of the 27,000-mile race is determined by the total amount of time it takes for skippers to complete each of the four legs.
The skippers each have a support crew on land that travels around the world to meet them at each of the land stops. The crew repairs the broken parts of the boat when it comes into port. It takes four years to prepare the boat for the race, during which time preparations to the equipment are made and company sponsorships are obtained.
Neal Peterson invites viewers aboard his boat, No Barriers. Neal explains that math and physics are very important in sailing and navigating the boat. He also explains the parts of the boat that are integral to sailing. The shroud bends the mast backwards through the block-and-tackle system. A spinnaker is a large colorful sail that is used to move the boat in downwind conditions. Navigation helps the skipper locate by latitude and longitude, using a chart and a compass as well as GPS. Neal also shows students how to cook, generate power, and live on the boat while it is moving.
Triangles |Standard Deviants TV
This program covers triangles, inductive and deductive reasoning, a postulate, a theorem, a proof table, angles, acute angles, right angles, obtuse angles, straight angles, a vertex, equilateral triangles, isosceles triangles, scalene triangles, equiangular triangles, the hypotenuse
- Triangles | Standard Deviants TV
- Triangles: Proving Theorems | Standard Deviants TV
- Triangles: Right Triangles | Standard Deviants TV
- Triangles: Similarity | Standard Deviants TV
- 2-D Shapes
- 10+ Facts
- 10 More and 10 Less
- Add and Subtract Numbers to 1,000
- Addition and Subtraction Egg Hunt
- Addition and Subtraction Story Problems
- Amazing Amusement Park
- Area and Perimeter
- Bake a Surface Area Cake
- Bird Survival Through Adaptations
- Bridge Builders
- Bundles of 10 - More or Less?
- Candy Castle
- Collecting, Organizing and Representing Data
- Comparing Double Digit Numbers
- Converting Feet to Inches with Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe
- Converting Feet to Yards with Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe
- Cooking Up Fractions
- Coordinate Plane City
- Coordinate System Obstacle
- Cotton Becomes King – Cotton Gin
- Counting Collections of Coins
- Counting on a Career
- Design a Sneaker: Object Mass and Product Research
- Double Digit Subtraction
- Extreme Home Makeover – Math Edition
- F.B.I. Pattern Predictor
- Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle with Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe
- Fraction Review Snack Mix
- Fractions (EQ: How can we model multiplying with fractions?)
- Fractions (Traditional Lesson)
- Geo Hunt
- Geometry Snowflakes
- Glitter, Glitz and Heather Galler
- Graphing
- Graphs
- Groovy Geometry + Making Mandalas = Math MASTERPIECES!
- Gullah Gourmet
- Having a Ball with Number Sense
- Honor a Vet on Veterans Day
- It’s That Time!
- Lengths of Objects
- Lifecycle of a Pumpkin
- Lights, Camera, Action!
- Line and Angle Blueprints
- Line Plot Creator
- Lines, Line Segments and Rays
- March Madness Stats: Will Your Team Win?
- Marvelous Math Race
- Math Tubs
- Measure It!
- Missing Number
- Money Madness
- Monitoring Forest Health
- More Than, Less Than, or Equal To
- Multiplication (Traditional Lesson)
- Multiplication (Traditional Lesson)
- My Measurement Book
- NASA CONNECT – Teacher Resources
- NASA STEM @ Home Resources | NASA Online
- Number Sequence Hopscotch
- Numbers 0-20
- Numerical Transition Stations
- Order of Operations Treasure Hunt
- Part-Part-Whole
- Partition Squares, Rectangles and Circles
- Partitioning Pizza Palace
- Pattern This
- Place Value Practice
- Pool Pals
- Prosperity for South Carolina
- Pumpkin Problems: Numerical Expressions
- Real World Fractions
- Rounding Recess
- Shape City
- Slide Builders
- Slide, Slide to the Finish Line
- Solving Problems Using Numbers 1-10
- Teen Numbers
- Telling Time Through Theatre!
- Ways to Make 4 and 5
- “X” Marks the Spot!
Be sure to visit our Knowitall Factoids at the beginning of each month to view the DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR AND KNOWITALL RESOURCES! The June events are listed here!
*** Please note: The ETV Education newsletter will be sent on the first Monday of the month beginning with the August 2021 issue. This summer we will work to enhance our Holidays and Observances Collection and Knowitall Factoid Series. These real-time resources will be helpful for planning teacher lessons, classroom celebrations, family discussions, and more at any point during the year. ***
Find additional information in these four blogs:
June 2021 on KnowItAll.org
Our Top 20 Sites on KnowItAll.org
Science Resources on KnowItAll.org
What’s New on KnowItAll: A Recap of Content Added to KnowItAll.org in the Past Year
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Find featured content and helpful information on using KnowItAll throughout the month!
Find new content recently added. Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
We welcome your questions and comments! We would love to hear from you!