Lesson Overview
In Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe, Cricket finds her father’s book about living off the land. In the book, he made notes about when he would teach Cricket certain skills. When Cricket was 10, he taught her how to identify trees. Students can use the book as a starting point for learning how to identify trees in their area.
Essential Question
What characteristics help us to identify trees? What details and observations are necessary for proper tree identification?
Recommended Technology:
Other Instructional Materials or Notes:
Computer and Projector for class discussion
Computers for Student Use
Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe by Jo Hackl
Leaf Example Handout
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Log In to View LessonStandards
- Science and Engineering Practices
- 6.S.1 The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content.
- Life Science: Diversity of Life – Classification and Animals
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Log In to View LessonLesson Created By: SamanthaBell, Jo Hackl