Lesson Overview
Students will learn about the origin and composition of magnets, the concepts of attraction and repulsion, and about the larger idea of the magnetism of the Earth. After discussions led by the teacher and class experiments with magnets, students will be given the opportunity to create art projects using magnets, and also will be encouraged to "role-play" some dramatic presentations based on the inherent properties of magnets, and also "invent" new products that utilize magnetic PUSH or PULL, creating commercials or posters to "sell" these products to pretend customers.
Essential Question
After learning how the different poles of magnets attract and/or repel each other, and how the Earth itself has a magnetic polarity, the class can participate in making artworks utilizing magnets as part of the art process itself, and also demonstrate their understanding of magnetic concepts by creating "commercials" for imaginary new products which utilize magnetism's " pull or push. "
Recommended Technology:
Other Instructional Materials or Notes:
Teacher's computer and smartboard [to show informative videos, which highlight & explain the magnet art projects]
thin-tipped markers or colored pencils
construction paper, white, buff, or yellow....helpful if it's bigger than 8"x11"
container of iron filings [order from science supply house, Amazon, etc]
* thick, sturdy, "paper plates" /dinner size, white or buff color w/ NO design[1 per child]
*clear, " see-through" Chinet dessert size disposable plates [1 per child]
*glue gun or clear Elmer's glue
*hobby magnets [available at craft stores, 1 per child]
*"white out" - 1 bottle [to mark + and - on the magnets]
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