Lesson Overview
Students will understand the impact of environmental changes on the red cockaded woodpeckers and explore a solution to address the challenges they face.
Essential Question
Students identify and describe the evidence:
i. A system of plants, animals, and a given environment within which they live before the given environmental change occurs.
ii. A given change in the environment.
iii. How the change in the given environment causes a problem for the existing plants and animals living within that area.
iv. The effect of the solution on the plants and animals within the environment. v. The resulting changes to plants and animals living within that changed environment, after the solution has been implemented.
a. Students evaluate the solution to the problem to determine the merit of the solution and describe how well the proposed solution meets the criteria and constraints to reduce the impact of the problem created by the environmental change in the system, including:
i. How well the proposed solution meets the given criteria and constraints to reduce the impact of the problem created by the environmental change in the system, including:
1. How the solution makes changes to one part (for example: a feature of the environment) of the system, affecting the other parts of the system (for example: plants and animals).
2. How the solution affects plants and animals.
Recommended Technology:
Other Instructional Materials or Notes:
Equipment to view video clip on knowitall.org
Materials Needed:
- Whiteboard and markers
- Pictures or diagrams of red cockaded woodpeckers
- Images or videos showing their natural habitat- video clip from knowitall.org- "Red Cockaded Woodpeckers"
- Informational resources about red cockaded woodpeckers and their habitat
- Drawing materials for students (colored pencils, markers, crayons)
- Chart paper or a digital display for recording information
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