Kids Work - Playwright

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Kids Work - Scene 1

So you want to be a playwright.

Your first rehearsal begins in 20 minutes.

Don't forget your script.

Oh No! Wrigley has chewed your script.

Use your mouse to pick up the pages.

Whew! You saved your script from Wrigley. Touch the pages with your mouse to read the definitions for each page. After you learn the parts of the script, it's time to rehearse!

Cinderella and the Magic Crystal

by Joe Writer

Title Page

The title gives the audience an idea of what the play is about. The playwright's name is also on this page.



Cast of Characters

The list of all of the characters or roles in the play. Descriptions of each character may also be included.




A brief overview of the play that may include information about what has already taken place. The setting explains when and where your story happens.

ACT I, Scene One


A grouping of scenes performed in sequence. A play can have one or more acts. They are numbered in Roman numerals:I, II, III.

ACT II, Scene One


A small group of lines that show action in the story. A scene usually changes when there is a new situation in the play.

ACT III, Scene One


The lines in the script are dialogue and stage directions. Dialogue is the term for the words that the characters speak. Stage directions are written to show the movement or emotion of the character.

Parts of a Script

Touch the pages with your mouse to read the definitions for each page. After you learn the parts of the script, press the Rehearse button.

A rehearsal is when the actors practice their lines.

Rehearsal is about to begin. Take a closer look by clicking the title page.

The background page will help the actors understand the scene. Listen and read along.


  • Cinderella
  • Torchar

BACKGROUND: Cinderella married the Prince and lived happily ever after. That's only in the fairy tale. In this story, Cinderella thought long and hard about becoming a dutiful Princess and said goodbye to the handsome, charming Prince. Those glass slippers gave her blisters anyway.

Cinderella wanted to study Geology so she traveled the world far and wide, climbing mountains and exploring caves. She hoped to find a magic crystal that would bring good health to the sick children in her village. On this day, Cinderella finds more than rocks in a cave. She meets a grouchy, fire-breathing dragon named Torchar, who just happened to be on vacation from terrorizing foreign lands.

Listen and read along as the actors rehearse Scene One.

ACT I, Scene One

Setting: A dark cave. Cinderella enters upstage left with a brightly lit lantern. Torchar is not seen until the end of Scene One.

TORCHAR:(Loudly) Who is in my cave!

CINDERELLA:(A little nervously) I'm Cinderella. Who are you, may I ask?

TORCHAR:(Angrily) What are you doing here?

CINDERELLA:(Walks to center stage) I'm a Geologist and I study rocks.

TORCHAR:(Demanding) Leave my cave at once!

CINDERELLA:(Annoyed at the dragon's rudeness) Well, excuse me, but you are very rude. (Pause) Who are you?

TORCHAR:(Very angry) I am Torchar the Dragon! (Roars)

The dragon blows fire and misses Cinderella. The fire melts a cave rock into a glowing crystal.

TORCHAR:(Surprised) Huh?

CINDERELLA:(Gasps) Look! (Puts hands on the rock) You found a magic crystal!

Listen and read along as the actors rehearse Scene One.

ACT I, Scene One

Setting: A dark cave. Cinderella enters upstage left with a brightly lit lantern. Torchar is not seen until the end of Scene One.

TORCHAR:(Loudly) Who is in my cave!

CINDERELLA:(A little nervously) I'm Cinderella. Who are you, may I ask?

TORCHAR:(Angrily) What are you doing here?

CINDERELLA:(Walks to center stage) I'm a Geologist and I study rocks.

TORCHAR:(Demanding) Leave my cave at once!

CINDERELLA:(Annoyed at the dragon's rudeness) Well, excuse me, but you are very rude. (Pause) Who are you?

TORCHAR:(Very angry) I am Torchar the Dragon! (Roars)

The dragon blows fire and misses Cinderella. The fire melts a cave rock into a glowing crystal.

Oh no! Wrigley ate the ending of Scene One.

Don't worry! Rewriting is a common practice for playwrights. Pick up the pencil to write a different ending.

Keep in mind that dialogue is short and to the point. After you type the new lines, enter them into your script.

ACT I, Scene One

Setting: A dark cave. Cinderella enters upstage left with a brightly lit lantern. Torchar is not seen until the end of Scene One.

TORCHAR:(Loudly) Who is in my cave!

CINDERELLA:(A little nervously) I'm Cinderella. Who are you, may I ask?

TORCHAR:(Angrily) What are you doing here?

CINDERELLA:(Walks to center stage) I'm a Geologist and I study rocks.

TORCHAR:(Demanding) Leave my cave at once!

CINDERELLA:(Annoyed at the dragon's rudeness) Well, excuse me, but you are very rude. (Pause) Who are you?

TORCHAR:(Very angry) I am Torchar the Dragon! (Roars)

The dragon blows fire and misses Cinderella. The fire melts a cave rock into a glowing crystal.

Rehearse the ending to Scene One. When you are done, end the activity to return to the Job Play area.

ACT I, Scene One

Setting: A dark cave. Cinderella enters upstage left with a brightly lit lantern. Torchar is not seen until the end of Scene One.

TORCHAR:(Loudly) Who is in my cave!

CINDERELLA:(A little nervously) I'm Cinderella. Who are you, may I ask?

TORCHAR:(Angrily) What are you doing here?

CINDERELLA:(Walks to center stage) I'm a Geologist and I study rocks.

TORCHAR:(Demanding) Leave my cave at once!

CINDERELLA:(Annoyed at the dragon's rudeness) Well, excuse me, but you are very rude. (Pause) Who are you?

TORCHAR:(Very angry) I am Torchar the Dragon! (Roars)

The dragon blows fire and misses Cinderella. The fire melts a cave rock into a glowing crystal.