Cybersecurity/Tech: South Carolina Snapshot | Skillionaire Games

The Skillionaire Games Industry Snapshot on Cybersecurity and Tech in South Carolina is a user-friendly resource that helps teachers and mentors introduce students to the state's fast-growing technology sector. Designed for easy implementation, this snapshot provides key insights, industry terminology, and an overview of careers and pathways in cybersecurity/tech. Whether used in the classroom or as an enrichment tool, it makes career exploration engaging and accessible, helping students discover pathways to in-demand tech jobs and the skills needed to succeed. The Skillionaire Games Industry Snapshot on Cybersecurity and Tech in South Carolina is a user-friendly resource that helps teachers and mentors introduce students to the state's fast-growing technology sector. Designed for easy implementation, this snapshot provides key insights, industry terminology, and an overview of careers and pathways in cybersecurity/tech. Whether used in the classroom or as an enrichment tool, it makes career exploration engaging and accessible, helping students discover pathways to in-demand tech jobs and the skills needed to succeed.


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