American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)

Learn the individual stories of men and women who were involved in major events leading up to, during and after The War for Independence (1775-1783).

Image by Don Troiani courtesy of Bridgeman Images.





After the crushing defeat at Waxhaws, the people of the South Carolina back country had a decision to make. Were they “Tories”—loyal to the crown; or would they become “Whigs” or “partisans” and fight...
Cowpens: A Brilliant Victory | The Southern Campaign


General Daniel Morgan’s battle plan at Cowpens was considered a masterpiece of military strategy and tactics. In Fall of 1780, General Nathaniel Greene sent a portion of his men under Morgan to fight...
Chasing the Swamp Fox | Carolina Stories
Episode 1


Introduction Chasing The Swamp Fox details Francis Marion’s partisan campaigns during the American Revolution in South Carolina and paints a mosaic of what life was like in those years and how Marion...
Chasing the Swamp Fox | Carolina Stories
Episode 3


Warfare Strategy This segment provides a detailed description of battle and Marion's strategies. Marion always attacked on three sides, never four. He said that if men are surrounded, they will sell...
Chasing the Swamp Fox | Carolina Stories
Episode 4


Revolutionary War Hero Marion did not get along very well with Sumter or Moultrie but he got along very well with Lighthorse Harry Lee. Greene ordered Sumter to take on Colonel Coates and the 19th...
Chasing the Swamp Fox | Carolina Stories
Episode 2


Revolutionary War Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the terminology used during this period, such as the Patriots, the Whigs, and the Partisans from the American side, for those who fought the King. The...