Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (1922-) served as governor of South Carolina from 1959-1963.

 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings 102
Ernest "Fritz" Hollings
Episode 102


A Catholic nun introduced Fritz Hollings to a world he never knew existed: hunger and starvation. Disgusted by the poor living conditions of the destitute, Hollings made an effort to help improve the...
 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings 101
Ernest "Fritz" Hollings
Episode 101


The first segment chronicles Ernest F. “Fritz” Hollings’ early life, education, and rise to political power. Hollings graduated from The Citadel in 1942, and served for thirty three months in the U.S...
 Ernest "Fritz" Hollings | S.C. Hall of Fame
Ernest "Fritz" Hollings | S.C. Hall of Fame


Ernest “Fritz” Hollings was born in Charleston, South Carolina in 1922. He graduated from The Citadel in 1942 and served as an artillery officer in World War Two. After the war, he was elected to the...