
The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘classical music’ as “music written in a Western musical tradition, usually using an established form (for example a symphony). Classical music is generally considered to be serious and to have a lasting value.”

 Bradley Fuller
Bradley Fuller


Sonatas and Soundscapes explores the diverse and colorful range of classical (and not-so-classical) music. Every weekday host Bradley Fuller programs instrumental music from history’s repertoire...
 Serenade | A Minute with Miles
Serenade | A Minute with Miles


Serenade is one of those musical terms that has meant many different things at many different times. The term itself comes from the Italian sereno, which is from the Latin serenus, which means “serene...
 Chamber Music Rehearsals | A Minute with Miles
Chamber Music Rehearsals | A Minute with Miles


Chamber music rehearsals are very different from orchestra rehearsals. In an orchestra rehearsal, it’s the conductor’s job to make the overall musical decisions and to ensure that the members of the...
 Francis Poulenc | A Minute with Miles
Francis Poulenc | A Minute with Miles


Francis Poulenc didn’t have to depend on composition for his living—he was the heir to the fortune of the Rhône-Poulenc pharmaceutical company—but he nonetheless turned out an enormous body of work in...
 Atonal Music | A Minute with Miles
Atonal Music | A Minute with Miles


Atonal music is music that isn’t written in a key, music that doesn’t follow the traditional rules of harmony. But although the term “atonal” tells us what a piece isn’t, it doesn’t tell us what it is...
 Atonality vs Dissonance | A Minute with Miles
Atonality vs Dissonance | A Minute with Miles


Atonality and dissonance are often linked in listeners’ minds, but they’re not the same thing. Dissonance, from the Latin words for “sounding” and “apart,” is the simultaneous sounding of two or more...
 Max Bruch | A Minute with Miles
Max Bruch | A Minute with Miles


Some great composers have been pioneers and musical radicals, and some have been fundamentally conservative. Max Bruch was a conservative to his bones, and it served him well. He established his...