
Learning + is a statewide South Carolina Educational Television partnership offering instructional content and alternative learning resources in support of students, families and teachers.

Learning + is a statewide South Carolina Educational Television partnership offering instructional content and alternative learning resources in support of students, families and teachers. In keeping with SCETV’s commitment to enriching school learning, all programming is aligned with South Carolina College & Career Ready Standards. In addition to broadcast, featured programming is also available on KnowItAll.org.

View current programming schedule at scetv.org/education/learning.

Women Vision SC Learning Activity
Women Vision SC Learning Activity


Women Vision SC is a program that focuses on issues affecting women throughout the state and the nation, and a new generation of young people pursuing public service for their communities and the...
Web of Water Learning Activity
Web of Water Learning Activity


The Web of Water documentary is a wonderful companion to the site's content. Edited as a half-hour broadcast program, the video covers Ian's complete adventure from the mountains to the sea, and...
Vanishing Generation: WWII Learning Activity
Vanishing Generation: WWII Learning Activity


When this documentary was produced, sixty years had passed since the end of World War II, and the last of the South Carolina veterans who fought against the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany were dying...
Space Heroes Learning Activity | S.C. Hall of Fame
Space Heroes Learning Activity | S.C. Hall of Fame


Research each astronaut in the S.C. Hall of Fame videos, Charles M. Duke, Jr., Ronald Erwin McNair and Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Create a slide on each that includes at least five facts and a photo for...