National Great Outdoors Month

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

Caesars Head State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Caesars Head State Park, along with Jones Gap State Park, make up the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area. This area has one of the richest deciduous forests in the world that provides us quite a...
Santee State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Santee State Park is home to Lake Marion. Fishing, kayaking and canoeing are popular activities. There are also tours to learn about the wildlife. This area being wetlands hosts quite a few wildlife...
Aiken State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Aiken State Park was built in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps and its the second-oldest park in South Carolina. Many of the structures built still remain standing today. There is a lot of...
Hunting Island State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Located in Beaufort County, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built Hunting Island State Park in 1938. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had established the CCC, a federally funded...
Colleton State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Colleton State Park is located along the Edisto River. The park is used for river rescue training and visitors are welcome enjoy the river for activities like fishing, kayaking or tubing. Colleton...
From Seeds To Shoreline | Making It Grow


Some of South Carolina’s coastline has lost important natural buffers and critical habitat – including the salt marsh ecosystem. Clemson Extension Agent and Host of "Making It Grow" Amanda McNulty...