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Educators, we have some important information to share with you!
View Our Expanded List of Subjects, Topics and Subtopics - Plus Our New Collections!
- Our Subject areas have been expanded to include Topics and Subtopics to assist you with drilling down under each subject to locate exactly the content you need! From the home page, click on Browse by Grade & Subject, choose grade and subject, and you’ll see the Topics and Subtopics appear beneath your selected Subject on the left side of the screen. Keep clicking down to the Topic or Subtopic you’re interested in finding. When you’ve selected the Topic and Subtopic you want to explore, the assets will then appear on the right side of the page.
- In addition to the expanded Topics and Subtopics, we’ve also added quite a number of Collections to assist you in finding exactly the content that interests you around a certain observance, theme or category of content. View details on the Collections listed below.
- In addition to the Topics, Subtopics and Collections, we will also highlight our new content, added over the summer.
Here’s a preview of what you’ll see under Subjects on KnowItAll.org:
Career Education
- Advice, Education & Skills
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Audio/Visual Technologies
- Journalism & Broadcasting
- Literary Arts
- Performing Arts
- Printing Technologies
- Telecommunications Technologies
- Visual Arts
- Business Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Green & Sustainability Skills
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Non-Traditional Careers
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
- Sports-Related Careers
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
English Language Arts
- Communications
- Inquiry Based Literacy
- Reading – Information Text
- Reading – Literary Text
- Writing
Health Education
- Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Personal and Community Health
- Safety
- Algebra
- Algebraic Thinking and Operations
- Geometry
- Measurement, Time and Money
- Ratios and Proportions
Physical Education
- Earth Science
- Composition of Earth
- Earth’s History
- Earth’s Natural Resources
- Space Science
- Weather & Climate
- Life Science
- Cells as a System
- Environments & Habitats
- Genetics & Heredity
- The Animal Kingdom
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Fish
- Insects
- Invertebrate
- Mammals
- Reptiles
- The Plant Kingdom
- Carnivorous Plants
- Flowering Plants
- Nonflowering Plants
- Shrubs
- Trees
- Physical Science
- Chemistry
- Energy Transfer
- Forces & Motion
- Matter
- Sound & Light
- Science and Engineering Practices
Social Studies
- Contemporary Cultures
- 1-Global Trade After 1600
- 2-Limited and Unlimited Government
- 3-Independence Movements
- 4-Impact of the Holocaust
- 5-Cultural Contributions
- African American Culture
- Hispanic Culture
- Native American Culture
- Early Cultures
- Economics and Personal Finance
- Foundations of Social Science
- S.C. History
- A. Places and Regions in South Carolina
- B. First People & Early Explorers
- C. Settlement
- 1-Colonial Life
- 2-Role of Enslaved Africans
- 3-Colonial Government
- 4-Colonial Economy
- D. The American Revolution
- Pre-Revolutionary War
- Revolutionary War – Battles
- Revolutionary War - People
- E. The New Nation
- A. New Nation and State
- B. Cotton Becomes King
- F. The Civil War
- A. Pre-Civil War Tensions
- B. Southern States Secede
- C. The Battlefield
- D. The War at Home
- G. Late 19th Century
- 1-Reconstruction
- 2-Industrialization
- 3-The Tillman Era
- 4-The Progressive Movement
- H. Early 20th Century
- 1-World War I
- 2-The Roaring Twenties
- 3-The Great Depression
- 4-World War II
- I. Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries
- 1-Cold War America
- 2-The Civil Rights Movement
- 3-The Political Landscape
- 4-The Economic Landscape
- J. Historical Places
- Beaches
- Business
- Colonial Structures
- Communities, Towns and Cities
- Government Buildings
- Healthcare Institutions
- Hotels and Lodging
- Houses and Gardens
- Landmarks and Battlefields
- Military Installations
- Museums
- Religious Institutions/Churches
- Schools/Educational Institutions
- State and National Parks
- Textile Mills
- K. Culture & Society
- Agriculture
- Artifacts, Monuments & Symbols
- Ceremonies, Parades and Demonstrations
- Domestic Life
- Education
- Folklore
- Food Traditions
- Healthcare & Medicine
- Leadership
- Natural Disasters
- Organizations
- Recreation & Sports
- Religion
- The Arts
- Transportation
- U.S. Government
- U.S. History
- A. First Americans & the New World
- B. The Road to Independence
- C. Creating a Nation
- D. The American Civil War
- E. Reconstruction & Industrial Development
- F. United States Becomes a World Power
- G. 1920s and 1930s
- H. Impact of World War II
- I. Contemporary America
- 1-The Vietnam War
- 2-Civil Rights Movement
- 3-Key Political and Economic Issues
- 4-America’s Role in a Changing World
- 5-Environmental Issues
- World Geography
- Characteristics of Culture
- Human Populations
- World History
- Global Warfare in Early 20th Century
- Computer Science
- Digital Literacy
Visual & Performing Arts
- Arts / Career Education
- Dance
- Drawing, Painting & Illustrating
- Media Arts
- Music
- Music Education
- Music History
- Musical Styles
- Sculpture
- Theater
- Traditional Art
- Basketry
- Pottery
- Textiles
- Weaving
- Woodworking
World Languages
- American Sign Language
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Spanish
Please visit KnowItAll.org to explore the full list of Subjects and to view the Topics and Subtopics that are available under each Subject area. Just click on Browse by Grade & Subject, choose grade and subject, then continue clicking down the list to view them all.
We often say that the “heart and soul” of Knowitall are our Series and Collections. If you haven’t perused these resources recently, you may be surprised at all that you’ll find!
As we start the new school year, we’d like to focus your attention, in particular, on our Collections. Over the summer, we’ve been working to expand our Collections to include some observances, themes and celebrations that we believe will be helpful to you in planning for these events throughout the year.
Our updated list of Collections now includes:
- Briggs v. Elliott
- Friendship Nine
- Noted African American
- Orangeburg Massacre
- Penn Center
- Slavery in South Carolina
- Cat Lovers
- Dog Lovers
- International Bat Appreciation Day
- National Farm Animals Day
- National Zoo and Aquarium Month
- World Turtle Day
BK Collection: All Things Ladybugs
Digital Traditions – Special Projects
- Endangered Species Day
- National Learn About Butterflies Day
- National Plant a Flower Day
- World Bee Day
- About South Carolina
- Agriculture
- Business & Industry Today
- Education
- Food & Drinks
- Habitats
- Music
- National Great Outdoors Month
- National Peach Month
- Places to Visit in S.C.
- Religion
- S.C. State Symbols
- Towns & Cities
- Visual & Performing Arts
Ghosts & Legends of South Carolina
Higher Education & Workforce Development
- Bill of Rights
- Constitution Day
- Halloween
- Independence Day
- Juneteenth
- National Aviation Day
- National Family Health & Fitness Day USA
- National First Responders Day
- National Lighthouse Day
- National Mole Day
- National Pharmacist Day and National Pharmacy Technician Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Winter Holidays
- Career Education
- English Language Arts
- Health Education
- Math
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
Libraries, Literature & Learning
- American Writers
- Authors of Children’s Books
- For Young Readers
- For Young Writers
- Illustrators
- Journalism, Broadcasting & Communications
- Poets & Poetry
- Poets Laureate
- S.C. Authors
- Shakespeare
Limited-Access Series
Please note the expiration dates on these series.
- African
- African American Music Appreciation Month
- Blues
- Classical | Orchestral
- Country | Bluegrass
- Cuban | Latin | Salsa
- Gospel, Hymns & Spirituals
- Gullah Music | Evolution of African Music
- Hip-Hop | Rap
- Holiday Music
- Jazz
- Music History
- Musical Instruments & Musicians
- Musical Theater
- Opera
- Pop and Soul
- Rhythm and Blues
- Rock and Roll
- Catawba
- Cherokees
- Chicora
- Natchez Kusso, Later Edisto
- Pee Dee
- Santee
- Sewees
- Tuscarora/Iroquoian Tribe
- Varner Town
- Waccamaw
- Activists
- Artists
- Athletes/Athletics
- Business/Entrepreneurs
- Educators
- Finance
- Firsts
- Former South Carolina Governors
- Healthcare/Medicine
- Historians
- Musicians
- Political Leadership
- Science & Engineering
- War Heroes
- Writers
- A. The French and Indian War/Seven Years War
- B. American Revolutionary War
- C. War of 1812
- D. Mexican-American War
- E. American Civil War
- F. The Spanish-American War
- G. World War I
- H. World War II
- I. Cold War
- J. Korean War
- K. Vietnam War
- L. Gulf War
- M. War in Afghanistan
- N. Iraq War
- Women – Civil Rights & Equal Rights Advocates
- Women – Disability Rights Advocates
- Women in Arts Professions
- Women in Aviation
- Women in Business
- Women in Education
- Women in Engineering
- Women in Government & Public Administration
- Women in Leadership Roles
- Women in Legal Professions
- Women in Literature
- Women in Media
- Women in Medicine
- Women in Science
- Women in Sports
- Women in Technology
Please check our What’s New area frequently to stay up on all the new content recently added to KnowItAll.org!
- Afro Latino Travels with Kim Haas
- Beads, Baubles and Jewels
- Camp TV
- Carolina Snaps
- Chernobyl Event: An Update At 35 Years
- DIY Science Time
- Equity in Education
- ETV Education
- Focusing The Universe
- From the Sky
- Game On: Women Can Coach
- History In A Nutshell: Episode 8 - Women's Suffrage
- History In A Nutshell: Episode 9 - The Reconstruction Amendments
- Into the Outdoors
- Let's Go!
- SC African American History Calendar 2021
- Sisterhood: SC Suffragists
- Solkit: Guideposts for Black Girlhood Celebration
Knowitall.org features over 9,000 mobile-friendly videos, worksheets, and interactives for preK-12. Now you can drill down to the specific Topics and Subtopics you’re interested in.
Find topical content and lessons grouped together for your convenience. These are available all year long for your planning purposes.
Lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
Find featured content and helpful information on using KnowItAll.org throughout the month!
Find new content recently added. Visit often, so you won’t miss a thing!
We welcome your questions and comments! We would love to hear from you!
The Learning Continues on KnowItAll.org!