Students will experiment with different plant materials that are known to be safe ( but definitely NOT any plant that is unfamiliar, or known to have juices/secretions that are rash-causing, such as...
Grade(s): Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subject(s): Visual & Performing Arts, Visual & Performing Arts
Year: 2017
Students will experiment with different plant materials that are known to be safe ( but definitely NOT any plant that is unfamiliar, or known to have juices/secretions that are rash-causing, such as...
Students will learn about general time periods in history in which artworks and artifacts were made, and how these time periods have specific terminology to help us understand how many years, decades...
The teacher will introduce this unit as a chance to learn the "inside story" of an artist's life, whether the artist is a painter, potter, weaver, etc. After a listing of all conceivable mediums, and...