A Natural State - Making a Kudzu Basket |
You can make a kudzu basket like the one made by Jimmie Dinkins! Learn what supplies you will need.Students can learn how to create their own work of art using natural materials. Please review the safety disclaimer.
You can make a kudzu basket like the one made by Jimmie Dinkins! Learn what supplies you will need.Document
Use things in that you find out-of-doors, maybe in your own backyard, to make natural dyes.Document
When selecting wood for your project, consider native red cedar, oak or hickory for the long supports and cross pieces using the more pliable willow for the curving parts. Use vines to help fill in...Document
For help in deciding the theme of the scene in your diorama: Look in your backyard. Is there a fallen tree, a stand of bushes or some tall trees? Do you sometimes see animals in your yard? Do you have...Document
You can make a coiled clay pot! Follow the arrow for directions and to see what supplies you will need.Document
Nancy Basket created this Carolina Wren using handmade, tinted papers. You can make a your own paper for cards and crafts! Click on the arrow to see what supplies you will need.Interactive
Clay Burnette created this pine needle basket which he calls "Tribal". You can make a pine needle basket, too. Find out how to make a simple basket of your own.Interactive
Learn how to use a backstrap loom to make a Natural Weaving using items in nature.