R.C. Hagan talks about how he makes baskets.Native of Donalds, SC (Abbeville County), Mr. Hagan made split-oak baskets, axe handles, and turkey calls while Mrs. Hagan is an accomplished quilter. Mr. Hagan learned to make split-oak baskets as a child from a local African American basketmaker.
R.C. Hagan talks about the different baskets he makes and when to use odd or even numbers of ribs.Audio
R.C. Hagan talks about how he started making axe and hammer handles.Audio
R.C. Hagan shares his love of hunting. For awhile turkey hunting had stopped in the Piedmont area of South Carolina, so he went hunting in Augusta during the open season.Audio
R.C. Hagan talks about the types of woods he uses to make his turkey calls and what makes a good turkey call.Audio
R.C. Hagan talks about his experiences with making molasses.Audio
Mabel Hagan Is an accomplished quilter. She is pictured with a “Save All” quilt. The rop was made by her grandmother and was given to her as a wedding present. Five or six years later, she and her...